New challenges in finite element technology from the perspective of mechanics and mathematics

12 March — 14 March 2019, Aachen, Germany

Final report

Dates and location

12 March — 14 March 2019, Aachen, Germany


Stefanie Reese


Peter Hansbo

Conference fees

  • Regular registration fee: 150.00 €

What other funding was obtained?


What were the participants offered?

The standard finite element method (FEM) is a well established numerical spatial discretization method which – also by means of commercial software packages – has found its way into universities, research institutions and industry. The range of applications for numerical simulation is steadily growing which poses new challenges, in particular with respect to non?linear finite element technology. The colloquium aimed to bring together scientists from mechanics and mathematics to report on progress in the understanding of new issues of finite element technology.
Lunches, drinks, snacks and other refreshments were served. The first day ended with a reception including snacks. A colloquium dinner was served in the evening of the second day.

One rather unusual idea was to allow questions and discussions during the talks at any time. Since every speaker had in total only 30 minutes, this could have the consequence that a speaker did not manage to put down all prepared slides. About half of the speakers planned their presentations accordingly and were very open to spontaneous discussions. Many others, however, could not deal with this format very well.
Nevertheless, in particular the young scientists liked the format very much. In the opinion of the organizers, one should continue to try out this format in the future. An additional help would be to instruct the chairpersons in a more firm way. In this format, the chairpersons have to take a more prominent role in initiating and really steering the discussion.

Applicants (members)

  1. Shadi Alameddin
  2. Fadi Aldakheel
  3. Daniel Balzani
  4. Hamid Reza Bayat
  5. Sridhar Chellappa
  6. Franz Chouly
  7. Mauricio Fernández
  8. Sven Klinkel
  9. Oliver Kunc
  10. Günther Meschke
  11. Frank Naets
  12. Andrey Nasedkin
  13. Ludovic Noels
  14. Stefanie Reese
  15. Joris Remmers
  16. Kerstin Weinberg

Applicants (non members)

  1. Athanasios Antoulas
  2. Oliver Barfusz
  3. Olivier Brüls
  4. Hoang Giang Bui
  5. Ramon Codina
  6. Pedro Díez
  7. Alexander Dyck
  8. Thomas-Peter Fries
  9. Sebastian Gajek
  10. Antonio Huerta
  11. Daya Reddy
  12. Johannes Riesselmann
  13. Gianluigi Rozza
  14. Chandra Upadhyay
  15. Johanna Waimann
  16. Garth Wells
  17. Christian Wieners
  18. Thomas Wihler
  19. Asghar Zajkani

Scientific report

The Colloqium was devoted to the discussion of the state of the art as well as new challenges in finite element technology from the perspective of mechanics and mathematics with a steadily growing range of applications.
Important challenges, which were addressed in the presentations and further discussed during the event, were:

- modeling of damage and fracture with different approaches (e.g. phase?field of fracture, continuum damage mechanics, cohesive?zone modeling) in conjunction with different spatial discretization methods (e.g. discontinuous Galerkin methods, polynomial and virtual element methods, XFEM) or combinations of them

- modeling of heterogeneous microstructures using different multiscaling approaches, model order reduction techniques as well as machine learning algorithms (e.g. data?driven algorithms, neural networks)

- different sources of nonlinearities in solid mechanics and structural analysis (e.g. contact and friction, piezoelectric composites, gradient elasticity, local frame approaches, tangential differential calculus)

- mathematical analysis of robustness and stability (e.g. reduced integration, cut?cell quadrature, adaptivity in variable?order FEM). One important objective of the colloquium was to generate fruitful discussions and a beneficial
exchange between current knowledge in mechanics and mathematics.

This was achieved by a non conventional format of the colloquium:

- about same number of speakers from mathematics and mechanics
- interaction during presentation (interruptions were possible at any time), each speaker had 30 minutes in total
- time for additional discussions in small groups (besides breaks and social program)
- submission of 3?5 overview slides before the event, purpose: to allow other participants preparation for the topic.

Number of participants from each country

Country Participants
Germany 18
Belgium 3
Spain 3
United States 1
France 1
Austria 1
Russia 1
South Africa 1
Netherlands 1
Italy 1
India 1
United Kingdom 1
Switzerland 1
Iran 1
Total 35